Terms and Conditions

Limitation Of Liability

Liberty Wireless LLC will not be liable to you (subscriber) for any direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages of any kind, including lost or potential profits (regardless of whether it has been notified such loss may occur) by reason of any act or omission in its provision of equipment and/or Services. Liberty Wireless LLC will not be liable for any act or omission of any other company furnishing a part of our services, or our equipment or for any damages that result from any service or equipment provided by or manufactured by affiliated or non-affiliated third parties. Liberty Wireless LLC is not responsible, at any time, and shall not be liable to you or anyone else for any personal information such as user names, passwords, contacts, pictures, SMS, or any additional content you may have stored on your phone or which may remain on your phone during and/or after you no longer have service with Liberty Wireless. Unless prohibited by law, you (subscriber) agree to limit claims for damages or other monetary relief against each other to direct and actual damages. Liberty Wireless assumes no risk or responsibility for a subscriber's use of any content provided by Liberty Wireless services. There is no fiduciary duty that exists between you (subscriber) and Liberty Wireless, LLC or its affiliates. You (subscriber), also agree that Liberty Wireless will not be liable for any missed voice mails, any messages from your voicemail system, any data content, or any storage or deletion of contacts from a handset address book provided by Liberty Wireless.


To the full extent by law, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify Liberty Wireless, LLC and its affiliates and their respective officers, agents, directors, partners and employees, from any and all liabilities, settlements, penalties, claims, causes of action and demands brought by third parties (including any costs, expenses or attorneys' fees on account thereof), directly or indirectly, resulting from your use of Liberty Wireless products and services, or another person whom you authorize or not to use your products or services, whether based in contract or tort (including strict liability) and regardless of the form of action. This obligation shall survive any expiration or termination of your service with Liberty Wireless, LLC. A subscriber may reside in a state that does not allow disclaimers of implied warranties or limits remedies for breach. Therefore, the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to all subscribers. A subscriber may have other legal rights that vary by state.


Liberty Wireless does not manufacture wireless phones or equipment used by subscribers. The only warranties applicable to such devices or equipment are those extended by the manufacturers. We have no liability, therefore, in connection with wireless phones and other equipment or for manufacturers' acts or omissions. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED HERE UNDER OR ANY SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO BE USED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, AND TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WARRANTY OF TITLE, WARRANTY THAT A PRODUCT OR SERVICE IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES. WE DON'T PROMISE ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED SERVICE AND DON'T AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO MAKE WARRANTIES ON OUR BEHALF. The Liberty Wireless Terms and Conditions of Service, contained herein, supersede all oral or written communications and understandings between you and Liberty Wireless with respect to products and services provided to you and the terms under which they are offered to you by Liberty Wireless. The surviving sections of this Terms and Conditions of Service shall continue to be valid and enforceable in the event that any part of these Terms and Conditions of Service is declared invalid, not applicable, or becomes unenforceable. There are no provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Service that provide any person or any entity that is not a party to these Terms and Conditions of Service with any remedy, liability, claim, reimbursement, or any cause of action, or that creates any other third-party beneficiary rights. Any legal dispute, unless otherwise specified herein, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal or state courts located within the state of Texas. This excludes customers who are residents of the state of California. Liberty Wireless reserves the right to suspend or terminate any subscriber's access to Liberty Wireless services or to the Liberty Wireless website or affiliated websites, at any time, should we determine in our sole discretion that a subscriber has violated any of these Terms and Conditions of Service or any other policy of Liberty Wireless, its affiliates, or for any other reason at the sole discretion of Liberty Wireless.


You may send notices to Liberty Wireless by mail: PO Box 10707 Gaithersburg, MD 20898, Notices will be considered effective after received by Liberty Wireless. If a subscriber is unable to resolve concerns with Liberty Wireless, they may file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission or their state commission board. Any notice sent to a subscriber will be sent to your last known residence we have on file or via text message to your Liberty Wireless phone.